Oct 24

FACCA x Bank of America (Online)


  • Thursday · 17:00 - 18:00

    4 months ago

  • FACCA x Bank of America (Online)


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  • Online


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Meeting ID: 

874 4214 2144




We are thrilled to welcome Bank of America back for another engaging session already this Thursday October 24th. This time, they will be joining us online, making it easier than ever to participate. 

We invite all students in their 5th or 7th semester, especially those interested in recruitment oppertunities and internships, to join the event.

The Bank of America company presentation will share an insight into the world of Global Markets. This will be the perfect opportunity for students to learn more about the world of Investment Banking, specifically for those with an interest in pursuing a career within the sector.

The event will include opportunities to hear from and ask questions to our senior leaders, representatives from across our lines of business as well as our recruitment team.

Looking forward to see you online!